Our Impact

Waves of Change

Our impact extends far beyond the horizon – touching the lives of enabled sailors, their carers, families, and the broader community.

Discover the profound effects of our activities.

Journeys of empowerment

Redefining Possibilities for Enabled Sailors

Discover how the “Pride of Man III” offers moments of freedom and joy, whilst fostering confidence and independence.

A Supportive Network

It’s not just enabled sailors who benefit from going sailing.

Relatives and carers enjoy the same friendly and supportive environment that the charity provides. 

Involvement in Sailing for the Disabled has been one of the most positive experiences in the lives of Ollie and his family.

Ollie has grown from his exposure to new activities, people and places – and the members of the charity have been so very kind and supportive that Ollie has done that virtually on his own.

Mike Riddell

Sailing for the Disabled Member & Ollie's Dad

Beyond the Water

The impact of our activity ripples through the wider community.

We promote inclusivity, raise awareness of, and challenge societal perceptions of disability – encouraging others towards a more equal and compassionate society.

faces and stories behind Sailing for the Disabled

Voices of Impact

Learn about the inspiring stories of our members and, through their experiences, discover the profound impact that being a member of Sailing for the Disabled has had on their lives.

A Crew Member's Story

Read a Crew Member's story about their experience of joining and becoming a member of Sailing for the Disabled.

An Enabled Sailor's Story

Read an Enabled Sailor's story about how Sailing for the Disabled has impacted on their life.

A Non-Sailing Member's Story

Read a Non-Sailing member's story about why they joined Sailing for the Disabled and what it means to them.

Sailing for the Disabled has allowed me to enjoy sailing  – which I would never have thought possible!

Jean Kimber

Sailing for the Disabled Member

Our 2023 Impact In Numbers



In 2023 we had more than 200 sailing and non-sailing members in the charity.

18 to 89

Age Range

Our Members ranged from 18 to 89 years of age, spanning a range of 71 years.


Enabled Sailors

69 of our members were enabled sailors, with a wide range of abilities.


Skippers & Mates

We relied on 22 Skippers and Mates to make our Sailing programme possible, ably supported by other crew members.

Our Lifetime Impact In Numbers


Years of Sailing

We've been helping people with disabilities to enjoy sailing since 1984.


Scheduled Sails for our Enabled Sailors

Over the last 40 years we've planned more than 12,000 sails.


Miles Sailed

We've sailed more than 16,000 nautical miles since the charity began.


New Friendships

91% of our members say they have made lasting friendships through Sailing for the Disabled.

Help maximise our Impact

We welcome partnerships with brands and businesses who are aligned with our values and want to help us to deliver our mission and maximise our impact.

Find out more about how shared goals provide the perfect opportunity to collaborate with us and deliver something meaningful and powerful.

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