Individual stories

Hear the stories behind Sailing for the Disabled

Read this Enabled Sailor's story about how Sailing for the Disabled has impacted on their life

I would like to thank you so much for the amazing sailing experiences I have had aboard Pride of Man III this summer. Some of the most memorable moments are:

  • Sailing to Ballycastle and going to visit the stunning Giant’s Causeway.
  • Sailing all the way to the far south of Ireland towards Kinsale and Crosshaven including 2 full days at sea and 3 hour night watches.
  • Sailing to the Clyde was most tranquil – we dropped anchor and swam several times.

These sailing experiences came at a time when I had been suffering with my health due to Aspergers and other disabilities. The trips were certainly positive for my mental health. Being at sea and enjoying the freedom of the wind and sail is a great chance to truly relax and find peace whilst being surrounded by a caring crew in a safe environment. Coming back from the trips I felt much better about myself and better in my health.

I have developed lots of skills on the trips – knowledge of sailing, navigation, helming and using the radio. I have also noticed improvements to my life skills – coping better with change, working better as part of a team, and increased confidence.

– An Enabled Sailor (who wished to remain anonymous)

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