From Icebergs to Islands – Day 3

After breakfast at the hotel, I started walking into town before the hotel minibus stopped to give me a lift. I walked around town all morning and as there was no coffee shop I remembered there was a café in the airport so decided to walk the 2 miles to the airport for lunch. I got to the airport to find it closed as there were no flights scheduled that day. So, I then had to walk the 2 miles back to town to buy lunch in the only shop.

The shop was interesting, due to the sea being iced up they only get supplies in July, August and September. They did have limited fresh food as this was mid-august the rest of the year they rely on preserved food. The shop had a bigger warehouse than the size of the shop itself for obvious reasons.

The shop sold all the things you would expect of a small supermarket plus boat equipment, lifejackets, marine radios, general hardware, fishing gear, rifles and ammunition.

Whilst in town I noticed a walking group coming though town and the leader was carrying a rifle on her shoulder as protection against polar bears. I had been rather blasé about walking around here but perhaps it was not that well advised.

After lunch I wandered around town some more before heading back to the hotel at least I had somewhere to sit there in the warm. It had been overcast and drizzling during the day and about 8°-10° having risen from close to freezing at the start of the day.

Mid-afternoon the owner of the hotel asked me to describe the yacht I was joining as one had come onto the bay so gave me and my luggage a lift to the wharf in the minibus.  

Global Surveyor (“GS”) was moored in the bay about ½ mile away with a few other yachts. I tried calling and texting the skipper but it turned out he was having issues with mobile phone coverage.

Eventually they came ashore in the dinghy to give me a lift out to GS And I spent my first night on board on Thursday.

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