Hello Members!

Last night the board held one of their monthly meetings and despite a couple of our directors being in warm, sunny places far away it was a very productive and interesting meeting.

The latest update on Pride of Mann III was given by Richard W . After being launched and tested, it was decided to replace one of the valves and for safety reasons, she had to be lifted back out for the repair to be carried out. The replacement has been ordered and will take a couple of days to install. As you are aware from our last update, plans are firmly in place this end to get her back home and get us all out sailing again.

Jean, our new(ish) treasurer, was able to report that the charity did very well in received donations for the month of January, some from our very generous sponsors , some as a result of the boards’ applications to trusts.

However we were also reminded that invoices for the considerable work to Pride of Mann III will be landing in the weeks ahead so the motto for all of us has to be KEEP ON FUNDRAISING !

So Richard DG as head of corporate fundraising continues to work hard with our existing and potential new sponsors/partners. He also chaired the first meeting of the newly-amalgamated Fundraising and Engagement Committee on 12th February from which he reports “ we have a lot of good people joining together here, with a special thanks to Cherry for sorting our WhatsApp out for us!”

Carole continues to meet regularly with Will B ( website designer and member of SFTD) to develop our website. There are always tweaks and improvements being made so be sure to check in regularly and of course we welcome any feedback you’d like to share. And just to make everyone aware, the Paypal donate button is now fully functional.

As a board we continuously look to improve the charities’ governance and safety- we want the best for our members. Carole is exploring safeguarding training for all crew and also looking at the provision of our Disability Awareness training with Jude Starkey who is taking over the role of Coordinator.

So to all our members, we hope that you like this style of news from your Board ( let us know?) and hope that if any of you feel like you could contribute to the running of SFTD AND JOIN US on the board, get in touch with any member.

Best wishes,

Paul, Carole, Chris, Jean, Richard W, Bobby , Richard DG.

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