Crewmaster Volunteers

The Crewmaster role within SFTD is one of the key roles as it gives everyone access to the sailings and generally co-ordinates the sailing activity. This is currently covered 365 days a year by William and Chris. It is hard to maintain the service with just two people and we are looking for more volunteers to support this. You do not need to be a skipper or mate to undertake the role. This is not taking on the responsibility full time but providing holiday relief and giving the others break from time to time! It involves taking booking from our members by email, text, phone and WhatsApp and then updating the website. Sometimes it will involve work to cancel and reschedule sails based on the view from the skipper.

We have a dedicated Samsung mobile, kindly sponsored by Manx Telecom, with everything on and you can access the emails via your own device as well it can be easier working on a bigger screen. You can do the work anytime that suits you as there are only a few phone calls, so it is easy to fit in around other commitments. We will give you full training on the role both on the practical aspects and getting to grips with the phone and emails. If you are unsure what to do when covering, the skippers will be able to give you advice, so you do not need to feel a burden of responsibility.  Please give Chris Wood a call on 471222 for a chat about the role and to answer any questions you may have. It is important that we find extra volunteers to help to maintain the service for everyone.

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