How to Book a Sail

We operate a system where the sailing programme is created and published on our website for you to view. 

A bit like going into a café and picking from the menu – but we will try and put on specials if you request it.

Select the sails which are suitable for you and then contact the Crewmaster.

Booking sails is a straightforward and friendly process, so please don’t feel intimidated by it. There are lots of ways to contact us, you can choose what ever suits you, and if you need any help you can contact us with questions.

We understand that it may feel very unfamiliar initially, and we will always do our best to help you.

The Crewmaster

Contact the Crewmaster

Once you have chosen your sails, simply contact the Crewmaster to book your place.

We do have to balance bookings on the boat for safety and operational reasons so may not always be able to accommodate you, but we will do everything we can to help you and offer alternatives. If you don’t see something that’s suits you on the sailing programme, then please tell us and we will try our best to help.

Get in touch

Ways to Book

Our Crewmaster is responsible for managing the sails and crewing the boat - they are always the first point of contact for booking sail. They have dedicated mobile phone and if they are away this is passed to someone else to cover.

Please do not book via any of the WhatsApp Groups, Facebook messenger or any personal mobile phone numbers - by booking directly with the Crewmaster it helps reduce volunteer workload.

Normal response times to requests are up to 48 hours. The Crewmaster is a volunteer so please be patient.


You can book via email on


Book via Whatsapp by messaging 07624 471222

Text Message

Text 07624 471222 to book via text message


Call the Crewmaster on 07624 471222 to book by telephone.

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